Peacock Tile Mural 45x75cm

Chagall Peacocks Tile Mural

The Peacocks of Chagall tile murals was a creation of my mother Marie Balian. She came up with this spectacular tile design in memory of the visit of Marc Chagall’s actual visit to our unique Balian tile studio in the Mid 80’s. Mr Chagall came to the studio with the then Mayor of Jerusalem and sat at my mother painting table to paint a singe 15×15 cm ceramic tile. In the middle of the painting with TV and his entourage looking on he hesitated with one color. My mother told Mr Chagall … in French …” Dont you think if you put Brown here it will be better ?” . After a few seconds of total silence at the statement of mother to one of the most famous artists of his era he replied.. ” vous ave raison madame” and continued with the brown ceramic color at the relief of the entourage. We fired the ceramic tile and the next day he came and picked up the tile himself thanking my mother and the Balian tile studio.

In symbolism the peacock is a possessor of some of the most admired human characteristics, and is a symbol of integrity and the beauty we can achieve when we endeavor to show our true colors. In history, myth, legend and lore, the peacock symbolism carries portents of: Nobility, Holiness, Guidance, Protection and Watchfulness.

The tile murals shown on this page can be modified in size within the limitations of not destroying the ratio of height to width .

Peacock Tile Mural 45x45cm

large peacock tile Mural by Balian studio

Peacock Tile Mural 30x30cm

decorative tile murals by Balian

Client installations & Design Ideas for the use of The Tree of Life tile mural